Jobs and careers

Helping your kids prepare for the future

Image by Juraj Varga Helping Your Kids Prepare for the Future is every parents goal, or should be, but how do you do that? Careers That Encourage Creativity It is certainly no secret that we all want our children to grow up better than we did. We want them to go to the best schools, get the best jobs, and not have […]

Jobs and careers

Learning to drive is an essential life skill

Learning to drive is an essential life skill and our collaborative post contains information on how, where and why… Anyone who drives will be able to tell you that having a set of wheels of your own can make the world your oyster. It offers you a level of freedom that means you’re no longer constrained by the routes and […]

Jobs and careers

Choosing a career as a librarian

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a Librarian? Our collaborative post sharing why it might be the right career choice for you may be just what you need to make the career jump you need. Do you simply love books and have a passion for the written word?  If so, then you should really consider getting a library science degree!  There […]

Jobs and careers

Should you choose a nursing career?

Should you choose nursing as a career? Is it the right choice for you? Our collaborative post shares some of the pros of a career in nursing, that might mean it’s a good fit for your next career move. Historically, nursing has been one of the few professions offering women a very good chance for career progression. Despite the advances […]

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