Home & Garden

How to save money on your heating bills

It isn’t hard to save money on your heating bills, if you are prepared to put a little work. There are some simple things you can do, to bring your bills down and keep your house that bit warmer in winter. The high price of gas and electricity is a subject that has rarely been out of the news in […]

Home & Garden

Make your home exterior look more appealing

Do you ever look at the other properties down your street and wonder if yours is lacking behind a little and does your home exterior need to look more appealing? Of course it’s not easy to prioritise garden or DIY work when you have little ones to look after and a million and one other things to accomplish n your […]

Home & Garden

How to make a safer neighbourhood

We all want to feel and stay safe. That is why we install alarms, locks and video surveillance in our homes, but having a safer neighbourhood is also vital. Here are seven simple ways you can make the area you live in a safer place. Support your local neighbourhood watch group If you live somewhere that has an active crime […]

Home & Garden

Creating a family friendly kitchen

The kitchen is a pretty important room of the house, but is it a family friendly kitchen? it’s not just somewhere that we cook (or microwave – I’m not judging!) our meals, it’s somewhere we entertain our guests, somewhere we catch up with each other after a busy day at work and with the kids, some say it’s the heart […]

Home & Garden

How To Create a Cosy Bathroom

This is a collaborative post, that we hope contains some helpful tips and ideas for how to create a cosy bathroom. When the winter season kicks in, the bathroom is usually one of the first rooms of the house to feel it. You know how it is –  that jolt of you feel when your feet touch the cold bathroom […]

Home & Garden

What is keeping your house warm?

Nobody likes bad weather, but have you considered how difficult it is for your house and what is keeping your house warm? Weather can affect your house and create significant damages to its structure – and to your well-being. From rain creating disruptive flooding conditions to extreme cold conditions freezing your plumbing system, the weather is not always your house’s […]

Home & Garden

Keeping your home clean with children and pets.

Even if you live alone, it can be difficult to maintain a spotless household and keeping your home clean can feel like a challenge. This becomes even more complicated when you add children and animals into the mix. However, it’s not impossible! There are plenty of ways for you to create a happy and clean environment that the whole family […]

Home & Garden

7 Things To Remember When Renovating Your Home

Renovating your home can be an exciting time for anyone, but it can also induce stress and anxiety too if the right steps aren’t taken beforehand. While the perfect scenario would be for everything to go smoothly, it’s unlikely that every little detail will go according to plan. However, there are many things that you could do to prevent stress […]

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